VoIP drastically improves productivity in the healthcare industry

You’re a healthcare provider, and your staff is spread out throughout your building. You can’t talk to them face-to-face to discuss the complex cases they need help with. A dedicated team member is there to help, but if they’re busy on another call, then who’s there to take calls? This isn’t an uncommon problem for healthcare providers. Fortunately, a solution exists Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) healthcare solutions.

Healthcare has revolutionized the way they treat patients and the way they are paid. The days of overworked doctors and nurses spending most of their time on paper filing, waiting for test results, and writing reports are coming to an end with healthcare companies going fully digital. With a VoIP phone system, your healthcare company can now deliver better care services by saving time as well as increasing productivity.

Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

Hospital administration has a big challenge to solve every year, year after year. The problem is patient and employee turnover caused by tedious operational processes. These processes often require manual processing, which causes tasks physicians and nurses have to do repeatedly, thus keeping them away from the more important patient care activities. Healthcare organizations spend a lot of time, effort, and money on managing these tasks while failing to achieve their objectives. Their departments lose efficiency, revenues decline and employees get frustrated with bureaucracy slowing them down.

VoIP allows for unprecedented flexibility in healthcare communication, as well as a multitude of features that can increase communication efficiency for hospitals and their staff. Hospitals can use these features to improve patient care and hospital workflow, making VoIP an effective tool in the modern healthcare industry.

With VoIP phones, you get a lot of features that are easy to customize and manage. Some VoIP Phone Systems allow you to set up different greetings for each day of the week, set up unique extensions, and set up after-hours voicemail boxes that can be forwarded to your inbox — all with a few clicks of the mouse. Best of all, you can do this on a web-based interface without having to call tech support or spend hours at a computer nonstop tweaking your phone system.

VoIP is also efficient for hospital receptionists

For example, doctors are very busy and don’t always have time to be on the phone, so they tend to rely heavily on their voicemail. As a result, receptionists are often sending callers to a doctor’s voicemail box. Well, with some VoIP phone systems, you can drop voicemails directly into the doctor’s voicemail box with the click of a mouse. This essentially makes using the phone system and managing voicemails as easy as browsing a website.

VoIP is about more than just adding your email address to an auto-reply message. For most practices, VoIP does not equal a simple upgrade from their existing system (even though it’s much cheaper). It’s really about total system modernization, using the same tools and resources used by giant corporations and businesses.

VoIP is perfect when your team is away or on vacation

Not all medical offices are open every day, every week. Some even close on certain holidays. What happens when a patient needs an appointment, but the office is closed? What if a patient has an emergency and needs to ask questions right away? With an auto attendant phone system in place, you can ensure that your staff is always available for the patients to call any time of the day or night.

Having the ability to perform a variety of business functions from your smartphone is one way to beat the ever-present “brick walls” that sooner or later crop up in any business, either from a missing business tool, an inconvenient location, or a valuable employee that can’t get there.

If you work in a medical office, medical answering service benefits can make a big difference for you. There’s no need to pick up the phone on a weekend or after hours if you don’t have to. The doctors in your practice can still enjoy all of the same services that you offer to patients during regular business hours.

One of the most useful features can also work very well for a business that’s open around the clock — including holidays — because you can use your mobile device to change the phone greeting, reroute calls, check voicemails, and make and receive calls as if you’re sitting in the office. That way customers can always reach someone on staff no matter what holiday or day of the week it is.

Just like offices, doctors’ and healthcare professionals’ cell phones can be converted into a business telephone system with a virtual office phone number. This way, the rest of the staff can call their cell phone and know that they are on vacation. Or when the patient calls, they know to contact another doctor or nurse if this doctor is busy doing something else.

Photo by Irwan iwe on Unsplash

Staff availability

There are several ways VoIP healthcare boosts productivity, but one that seems to get overlooked is how it helps you easily track the availability of other staff members. By arranging all of the medical office phone system’s extensions on a single screen within the virtual receptionist software, you gain immediate access to every staff member’s current availability and can see their status from any location in the office at any time.


As VoIP continues to transform the telecommunications industry and increase overall productivity, it’s no surprise that healthcare facilities are becoming more and more interested in adopting this technology as well. With VoIP, patients can easily access specialists from remote locations, doctors can instantly share data over the web or email, and medical professionals can perform virtual checkups without having to leave their offices. Ultimately, VoIP is improving patient care and restoring a sense of efficiency to the entire industry.

Healthcare businesses that employ VoIP solutions can improve their overall business processes. This will lead to better productivity. As healthcare facilities continue to experience problems in hiring and retaining staff, the benefits of using VoIP healthcare solutions will help them overcome some of these issues and maintain maximum efficiency.

VoIP phone solutions that integrate with EHRs can greatly benefit healthcare providers of all types. As patient care becomes more personalized, VoIP’s increased flexibility and efficiency can save time, money, and resources—ultimately increasing the quality of care patients receive. That’s a win-win for everyone.

This can go for any business that requires a lot of phone calls to be made, but in healthcare, VoIP takes it to a whole new level. The primary benefit, then, is increased productivity. You’ll find that your employees are more responsive when they aren’t tying up their handsets each time they need to pick up the phone. They can still multitask and not lose anything while they’re managing calls on their mobile phones. If you want to make your staff more efficient but still keep them fully engaged then this is one of the best ways to do so.

Need to switch to VoIP? Telligens Technologies, LLC is the leading VoIP provider in Cerritos, California. Boom a call today and let’s discuss how we can change the way you manage your phone systems.

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