Tips on Relocating Your IT Infrastructure

Relocating your business also means relocating your entire IT infrastructure. And this is not an easy feat, to start with. Moving your infrastructure requires skill and technical knowledge of your equipment. But it doesn’t need to be that ultra-complicated.

This blog covers important tips that can help you manage your equipment seamlessly like a pro!

Consult. The best way to start the relocation process is to always start it right. Talk to an IT expert or consultant before making impulsive decisions. These professionals have the adequate knowledge to guide you with your process or sometimes, they can take care of the relocation themselves. Most managed service providers offer IT relocation services to help their clients move from one office to another.

Know what questions to ask. When consulting with an IT professional, you should identify the important questions that you need to ask. Some IT experts will give you a heads up of the basics and may even provide you a step-by-step checklist. However, if you are going to handle the relocation on your own, it is essential for you not to miss the important bits.

Purge or keep? This is the best time to evaluate your equipment. Decide whether you need to keep an equipment, or upgrade into a newer, better one. Create a master sheet for inventory purposes and identify which items need to be reused, discarded, or upgraded. You can also start collecting vendor information within your area if you need to do a store canvass for the cheapest or the best cost-effective equipment. If you have leased equipment, it is also best to identify whether this is the perfect time to return them or bring them with you with the consent of the provider.

Review the office space. Before the relocation day, arrange a personal visit to the new office space. Grab this as an opportunity to assess whether the facility supports your current IT requirements such as power, work stations, and outlets. You may need to know if you need to redo your cabling or keep it just the way it is. If you cannot arrange a visit, at least ask for a detailed floor plan of the space to see whether each piece of your equipment is fitted within the office area.
Relocating your IT infrastructure may be a downright nightmare if you are not certain of what you’re doing. Without professional assistance, you may expect to encounter sudden delays or unwanted problems within the process. Just be patient and continuously seek advice.

Managed service providers can help you create a seamless relocation plan that will remove all the stresses from you and your team.

Do you need help in relocating your entire IT infrastructure? Email us at and let’s discuss how we can be of assistance for your business.






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