Why you should use a password management tool

In the digital age, computer users are prone to many challenges when it comes to handling their passwords. 

The real threat happens when these passwords fall into the wrong, malicious hands. Events like this cause unwanted trouble for any user such as loss of account access, or even worse, an online fraud may take place where your identity or personal information can be stolen. 

Traditionally, users write down their passwords in sticky notes, or post-its to keep track of them. Some type them down in spreadsheets or opt to use simple and easy-remember passwords across all their accounts in the online space. However, these are proven to be ineffective methods in keeping password confidentiality and may have been the cause of many cyberattacks and breaches.

Nowadays, IT companies highly advise businesses and professionals to explore various password management tools in the market to further safeguard their accounts from the work of cyberhackers and thieves.

What is a password management tool?

Password managers are software developed to fulfill one purpose: to store your login credentials for all the websites you use and help you log into them automatically.

These password managers can also store and maintain a large number of accounts and login information making it a flexible option if you manage tons of online accounts. It also gives you the opportunity to use complicated and unique passwords per account to further strengthen your security.

A password manager can take loads of work for you while giving you the peace of mind that you need. Instead of remembering a long list of passwords or keeping them in an online spreadsheet, you can easily store or pull up information through your software with the use of only a master password. 

Password managers have this mechanism where they identify the URL of a website and pair them up with the right stored information. This helps to secure your account from manual errors or to hackers that are key logging.

Some password managers have additional features like automatic form filling and password generation.

Do you need help in choosing the best password manager for your business? Contact us at info@telligens.com to book a free consultation.

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